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Teddybear Goldendoodle Puppy
Teddybear Goldendoodle Puppy
Teddybear Goldendoodle Puppy

Teddybear Goldendoodle Puppies designed with YOU in mind!

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Hi! My name is Rachael, and I'm the owner at Cedar Doodles, where we raise Teddybear Goldendoodles puppies with purpose.

Through the years I have developed a unique line of goldendoodle puppies that possess highly-desirable physical, mental, social, and empathetic qualities. These are the goldendoodle puppies  that:

Love & Accept Unconditionally

Understand and Empathize

Want to Love and Be Loved

Know and get you

Make you laugh and smile

Make people whole

And the best part ? They can have the smarts, personality, and the one-of-a kind Teddybear Goldendoodle look!


Here at Cedar Doodles, we know the love of a dog changes lives for the better! So let's change yours today!

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health tested

Health testing completed through Embark, Animal Genetics,

Canine Neogen Genetics


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health insurance

Along with our one year genetic health guarantee, we offer a free month of Trupanion Health Insurance for your goldendoodle puppy

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Breeder of Merit

We have been recognized for our responsible, ethical breeding of our high quality teddybear goldendoodle puppies

baxter and bella health training

training you & your puppy

We've partnered with Baxter and Bella Online Puppy school to make it easy for you to have the best relationship with your new teddybear goldendoodle puppy

Make sure to use CRR25, for 25% off!

How did we get started?

Our Goldendoodle Puppy Story starts as one of our lifelong stories ends…

We have always had sporting dogs, labs, Brittany’s and Pointers. With the birth of my new baby, and his severe allergies to pet dander, our sporting dog story had to come to a close due to his health. We made the heart wrenching decision to rehome my beloved Pointers. I wondered what we would do without a dog. I’ve always believed a home without a dog isn’t a home, and now here we were, dog-less. Little did I know that in just a few short days my life would change forever.

What is a Goldendoodle Puppy? 

In the midst of many tears I remember my dear friend telling me he had heard of a "goldendoodle puppy," and that it was supposed to be a wonderful dog for people with allergies. I knew we had to have a dog like that. Our family wasn’t complete without a dog, so we jumped in! We bought our first goldendoodle puppy, and just like that my baby didn’t suffer with the allergy symptoms anymore. We knew we had found something life changing in our goldendoodle puppy. We found our forever dog.

Love of a Lifetime

We were completely smitten with our goldendoodle puppy.  She was a great fit. We loved her and found that others did to . We quickly realized that not a lot was known about Goldendoodles, let alone goldendoodle puppies and that there was a lot of room for improvement when it came to the goldendoodle breed, especially in planning for raising and training goldendoodle puppies. These goldendoodle puppies were almost foreign, and we wanted to improve the breed using my biology/applied science major, registered nurse experience, ranch, kids, and years of dog experience to bring families a companion offering the love of a lifetime.

What is a goldendoodle puppy?

A goldendoodle puppy is a hybrid breed of dog that is commonly crossed with a golden retriever and a poodle. These goldendoodle puppies are known for being very friendly, smart and playful. They come in a range of sizes from Toy/Micro weighing in at 5-10 lbs and can be as big as a standard which is 55lbs or more. Goldendoodle puppies are known for being friendly, smart, playful and very personable. They make excellent pets for families due to their loving accepting nature.

What is a Teddybear Goldendoodle Puppy?

This is one of our most commonly asked questions " What is a Teddybear goldendoodle puppy, and how are they different from a goldendoodle puppy? The answer all lies in the appearance. A Teddybear goldendoodle puppy is a goldendoodle, but they are bred to have a more teddybear like appearance. There are three major keys that set a teddybear goldendoodle puppy apart from an average goldendoodle puppy. These are face structure, coat makeup and leg/body proportions. Face Structure: The face of a teddybear goldendoodle puppy consists of a shorter muzzle, creating the hallmark teddybear face. They tend to have longer eyelashes and shorter ears. They will have a softer look to their face, especially their eyes. This adds to the adorable cuddly look of a teddybear. The coat of a Teddybear goldendoodle puppy is shaggier, and more fluffy. This is a coat that resembles the appearance of a stuffed animal . They will still posess the hypoallergenic qualities that goldendoodle puppies are known for. Body structure/ conformation: Teddybear goldendoodles tend to have a more compact body, and are less likely to have long legs. The height of the legs to the front shoulder is equal to the length of the body from the breast bone to the tail. Teddybear goldendoodles puppies are always a win win in our book as they posess all the loving qualities of goldendoodle puppies, and add the extra special effect of looking like a real life teddybear!

What personality, temperament can I expect in a Teddybear Goldendoodle Puppy? 

I love being able to answer this question. What is it that sets apart a Teddybear Goldendoodle puppy, specifically a Cedar Doodle, Teddybear Goldendoodle puppy apart from other dogs/ dog breeds? My first and foremost answer is and will always be, their ability to connect. Our goldendoodle puppies are able to connect with their people in a unique, individual and personal way. We have many goldendoodle puppies that go on to be service dogs, emotional support dogs and even companion dogs for children with autism due to their ability to connect and understand. It's hard to put into words how this happens, but I will try my best. The foundation of their personality starts with the calm, unflappable nature of the english cream retriever, when this is crossed with a calm poodle a great cross is bred. We work with only the finest goldendoodle parents in our goldendoodle breeding program that possess the desirable qualities as mentioned above. We have been able to experience first hand, how the love of a teddybear goldendoodle puppy allows lives to be changed through love, acceptance and confidence. As an individual, child or a family brings in this kind of goldendoodle puppy nto their home they can have assurance that this dog will know what they need and when they need it. If it is a shoulder to cry on , a look of understanding, or a gentle look that seems to say " I believe in you". The teddybear goldendoodle puppy is a dog that will be there for you , and those that you love.

What is the focus of your program?

At Cedar Doodles we raise therapy grade teddybear goldendoodle puppies with purpose. What is their purpose? To help every person experience the unconditional love and acceptance of a dog, especially our unique goldendoodle puppy line. Everyone deserves to be seen, heard, accepted, and loved, and we have something that is guaranteed to do just that.

Find a Goldendoodle Puppy Near Me

 Our goldendoodle puppies are raised in home, trained from day one! We are proud to offer offer our goldendoodle puppies to families/homes like yours, across the USA. We have a way to get your own goldendoodle puppy to you ! Below we have listed the locations we serve! Reach out today to start the process of adding a goldendoodle puppy to your home ! 

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