Teddybear Goldendoodle & Bernedoodle Puppies Delivered to You!
We have many option for your doodle puppy to be delivered to you
- In person pickup in Central Utah
- Fly into SLC Airport we will meet you with your puppy $125
- Flight Nanny, Your puppy will fly to the nearest airport- $650-850
Delivery Driver $1.25/delivered mile.
Vegas Delivery, can meet at the airport or meet in Vegas $250
We also have a delivery driver that delivers to LA for $350
Toy /Petite Goldendoodle Puppies
Toy /Petite Bernedoodle Puppies
Petite/Mini Goldendoodle Puppies
Petite/Mini Bernedoodle Puppies
Mini/Medium Goldendoodles
Mini/Medium Bernedoodles
Goldendoodle& Bernedoodle
Puppy Pricing FAQ
What is the average price of a Teddybear Bernedoodle puppy and or Goldendoodle Puppy?
Our Teddybear Bernedoodles & Goldendoodles range in price from $2000-4500. Pricing is dependent upon size, coat, color, training level, and temperament.
I found a cheaper bernedoodle/goldendoodle puppy somewhere else, why should I consider yours?
This is such a commonly asked question. At Cedar Doodles we are the home of high quality teddybear bernedoodle puppies & goldendoodle puppies. We are proud to offer the highest quality doodle puppy at an affordable price.
You will always be able to find a cheaper option somewhere else. It is important to note that just because something is cheaper initially doesn't mean it will be cheaper in the long run.
We have had countless people talk to us about buying a dog /puppy that has shedding issues, personality problems, doesn't look like a doodle because it wasn't furnished, has premature health problems due to lack of testing... the list goes on.
Ultimately it is your decision, but If you are looking for a doodle puppy that has good genetics, a solid curriculum- which will influence its entire life, and the support (Genetic guarantee, doodle puppy raising support), and more, we highly suggest you give us a call!
What expenses are involved in breeding Bernedoodle & Goldendoodle puppies?
Purchase of high quality parents
Genetic Testing
Vet Appointments
Ultrasound, AI, TCI
Progesterone Testing
Normal Dog expenses
Stud Fee
Nutritional Supplements
Whelping expenses
Hands on prenatal care
24/7 care of your newborn puppy for 8 weeks.
What do I get for the price of my doodle puppy?
High quality doodle puppies don't happen by accident. We devote countless hours into breeding, whelping, raising and starting your goldendoodle or bernedoodle puppy on the right foot.
Your teddybear doodle puppy purchase includes:
High quality parents (Good genetics)
We want you to have the healthiest dog/puppy possible so we do our homework to give you peace of mind when it comes to choosing a puppy. We do our best to ensure your puppies overall genetic health to give them the longest fullest life possible. ​
Hands on involvement
Out Bernedoodle & Goldendoodle Puppies are handled from day one. ​
Your doodle puppy is held, loved, taught, and enriched from day one. These goldendoodle & bernedoodle puppies will spend 8 weeks with hands on care and teaching in a 24/7 involvement right in our own home.
Potty training basics
We want you to have a good experience as you transition your doodle puppy to your home so we use their natural "den" instincts to teach your bernedoodle or goldendoodle puppy. ​
Week 2 begins potty pad training, and progress to litterbox, dog door to a fully potty trained mini goldendoodle or bernedoodle
The best doodle puppies are those that connect with people. This happens when you teach them little by little, day by day, consistently. We consistently create these experiences in which your goldendoodle and or bernedoodle puppy will live up to their full potential ​